Consider using your custom audience to create new lists and apply different messaging strategies based on what you know about them. Best customer (customer with longest tenure). Recent buyers. Login / Loyalty Customers (individuals who show how they logged in to a website or loyalty program). People who purchase frequently (individuals who have purchased X times or more). Cancel. Consider adding a tangential in-market audience to reach new customers. For example, if I'm in the market to buy a car,
I need insurance. If you want to buy a home, you ghost mannequin effect service have the potential to enter the market for a wide variety of housing services, from contractors, painters, plumbers and electricians to landscaping and upholstery / design to new furniture. Beyond the stereotypes, think for yourself about tangential services and product types, and how you can apply those tangential audiences to reach your customers in new ways. Combine partial match with audience-based targeting, also known as Broadence, to strategically expand your keyword list while reaching your target audience. Combine a negative audience strategy with an exact match and a high-level goal-achieving process to expand your reach and target entirely new customers.
This strategy combines multiple lists to create a Uber list (90-day site visitor, 30-day site visitor, recent buyer, logged-in customer, loyal customer, etc.) and bid-100%. A unit price adjustment ratio may be applied. Consider a direct competitor competitor strategy that uses a list of the best customers who are also searching for direct competitor brands. This is a potential churn segment. The strategies you use to create new segments with audience targeting opportunities and unique messaging and reach are endless. advertisement Continue reading below The world of audience targeting is your oyster and can be as creative as expanding your reach to new customers or preserving the loyalty of your existing customers.