Interpretation Last Database through the conceptual model proposed in this article is, perhaps, the most relevant explanation of the victory of one and the defeat of the other. It is worth noting the paradox that, despite the presidential victory of the right, the incoming National Last Database Assembly is made up of large minorities of the left and center-left. Of a total of 137 seats, the first three minorities are the Alianza UniĆ³n por la Esperanza, the Last Database movement that sponsored.
Arauz's candidacy, with 47 of its Last Database own legislators; the Pachakutik block, with 22, and the with 47 own legislators; the Pachakutik block, with 22, and the with 47 own legislators; the Pachakutik block, with 22, and theid , with 18. The traditional right, represented by the Social Last Database Christian Party, barely reached 14 seats of its own, and Creating Opportunities ( I think) , President Lasso's movement, got just nine (to which in almost all Last Database cases are added some with alliances). On the eve of the second round of April 11, Arauz had a greater probability of winning than Lasso.
A Lasso victory Last Database was possible but less likely. The usefulness of a conceptual model is precisely that it clearly specifies the conditions that had to be met for Lasso to be elected president. Lasso had fewer paths to becoming president than Arauz, but a high level of null votes was definitely one of them. Lasso had a better than expected electoral performance but, without the Last Database high level of null votes, the thousands of additional votes he managed to collect simply would not have been enough to win. The level of the Last Database null vote not only favored Lasso but literally helped him win, and Arauz, rather than lose to Lasso, lost to the null vote. What defeated progressivism was not so much the right but, possibly, a left that leans towards progressivism, but prefers a different option to correismo in.