System of taxation is % usually, individual entrepreneurs pay taxes according to the simplified taxation system the laws of the constituent entities of the russian federation for years may establish a tax rate of % for individual entrepreneurs registered for the first time (clause of article of the tax code of the russian federation) the tax holiday period is until how to calculate the
Amount of taxexample: patent duration = months tax amount= tax base* % tax amount = (tax base / months x number of months of the term for which the patent was issued) x % the application of the to existing mobile number list have patent system of taxation provides for exemption from the obligation to pay personal income tax, tax on property of individuals vat (clause , clause of article of the tax code of the russian
Federation) banks have started raising deposit rates: Is the situation with the increase in rates beneficial for depositors who hope to invest with a deposit?The average maximum rate on deposits of ten russian banks, attracting the largest volume of deposits of individuals in rubles, rose to % in the third decade of august after % in the second
Decade of the month, according to prime ru dmc propertiesре propertie properties?Узнать большеbanks raise interest rates on deposits without waiting for the decision of the central bank on the key rate , as they say, not from a good life first, these numbers have been trending
Downward over the past two years amid a decline in demand for corporate loans (banks, in a simplified model, aggregate investors' money and lend it to borrowers, which is the basis of their business) vladimir rozhankovsky, lifa, expert of the international financial centerspeaker — vladimir rozhankovsky, lifa, expert of the international financial centerthat is, not being able to receive a large
Cash flow from loans issued, but not wanting to limit the flow of deposits (find a business that in its right mind will refuse an influx of working capital!), they were forced to take such an unpopular measure as reducing the motivation for contributors.